Harvey High School students visit the Supreme Court: http://tinyurl.com/25fw2szy
4 months ago, Derrick Gross
Seniors at Supreme Court
We are almost 5 weeks away! Buddies are still needed. Help us in making a difference in the lives of people with special needs right here in our community. Go to www.newlifeonmain.org/night-to-shine-2024 to sign up to volunteer.
4 months ago, Kori Jensen
night 2shine
Tune into KHND Radio at 10:20 to catch HPS Superintendent, Dr. Robert Lukens, and steering committee representative Ted Sitz, discussing the building survey that will be hitting mailboxes and emails next week. https://www.radio.net/s/khnd
4 months ago, Robert Lukens
Due to road conditions, there is NO wresting practice today.
4 months ago, HWC Wrestling
Dr. Lukens on KHND at 10:20AM.
5 months ago, Mike Prom
Time to Order Reserved Tickets for State Wrestling. Thursday and Friday, $40/person. Ticket orders need to be sent to coach Hase by Wed. Jan. 3rd. Please send name and number of tickets to kelly.hase@k12.nd.us Checks will be payable to HWC Wrestling Club.
5 months ago, HWC Wrestling
Another yummy treat! Thanks, First State Bank!
5 months ago, Corbin Storbeck
A great way to end the week! Thank you to the extremely kind individual who paid for our drinks this week at Marsai's - we appreciate it!
5 months ago, Corbin Storbeck
Due to weather and road conditions, wrestling will not be traveling to Carrington today.
5 months ago, HWC Wrestling
Junior High/6th grade wrestlers will NOT travel to the tournament at Horizon tomorrow due to road conditions.
5 months ago, HWC Wrestling
The game tonight (12/8/2023) with St. John at Harvey High School has been cancelled due to weather and travel conditions. Consideration of make-ups will be looked at and considered in the near future.
5 months ago, Robert Lukens
Event Cancelled
The Sophomore Class has a few extra 20" Advent Wreaths for sale! The cost is $34 (candles not included). If you are interested in purchasing one you can find your favorite sophomore, let Mrs. Walsh or Mrs. Buchmiller know, or call Connie at the high school
5 months ago, Abby Buchmiller
20” Advent Wreath
Merry Christmas! The Elementary School Christmas concert is tonight at 7 pm. Band students will go to the band room in BM Hansen Elementary at 6:25 to get their instruments. Other students go to their classrooms by 6:45 pm. Some teachers are planning class pictures, so arriving early is appreciated. Happy Holidays!!
5 months ago, Robert Lukens
Mrs. Walsh's Foods class prepared a tasty Thanksgiving meal!
5 months ago, Corbin Storbeck
Correction: Tune in at 10:20.
5 months ago, Derrick Gross
Tune into KHND Radio at 10:30 to catch HPS Superintendent, Dr. Robert Lukens, and steering committee representative Kathy Muscha, discussing the district's building situation, needs, and ongoing planning process. Link: https://www.khnd1470.com/
5 months ago, Derrick Gross
HWC Boys Wrestling is headed to Beulah for a Quad with Beulah-Hazen, New Salem Almont, and Bishop Ryan. Matches begin at 6PM. Event is live-streamed on NFHS: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/beulah-high-school-beulah-nd/gamf06a8c2112
5 months ago, HWC Wrestling
Girls Wrestling is headed to Napoleon, Thursday Nov 30. Wrestling begins at 4PM. Entire tournament will be live streamed: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmdQisRVJlptWHx-L8crG4w
5 months ago, HWC Wrestling
Hello, Just another friendly reminder that there will be an 'unwanted intruder' drill at Harvey High School this afternoon (11/29/2023). Click the link for more information: https://tinyurl.com/mwatv92b
5 months ago, Robert Lukens
2023-2024 NEW BASKETBALL RULES When you attend high school basketball games this season, a new rule will be in effect. 1) There are no more 1-1 free throws 2) The bonus will always be 2 free throws 3) The bonus begins at 5 team fouls 4) Team fouls reset after each quarter 5) The scoreboard will only show a max of 5 team fouls Thanks Mike
5 months ago, Mike Prom