The mock crash at HHS this morning was a success. The goals of raising awareness to the dangers of distracted driving and providing a training opportunity for Harvey emergency response units were met successfully. Thank you to everyone involved in making it happen.

MOCK Accident: The emergency response at HHS this morning is a mock crash.
Harvey High School is participating in a mock car accident today at 9:30AM. Please be advised this is mock crash involving a full emergency response in the high school's west parking lot. This is a mock crash for the purpose student awareness of the dangers of distracted driving and for an emergency response training exercise.
The emergency response at HHS this morning is a mock crash.

Happening now at HHS:
Circle time in French.

Happening now at HHS:
Career Day, Tie Dye Blankets, Games, Movie, and lending a hand at the food pantry
OohRah Hornets

Happening now at HHS:
Guitar and ukulele maintenance day aka Fun Friday.

FCCLA held the annual homeless night on Saturday. Nearly 1600# of food was collected and donated the Harvey Food Pantry.
#OohRah FCCLA!

Happening now at HHS:
Chris Norton is in the house.

Happening now at HHS:
Homecoming - and so it begins.......

Happening now at HHS:
Ag Mech has hhs royalty and country folks at work.

Happening now at HHS: Seventh grade is kicking off Project Northland today.

Happening now at HHS:
Ken Zimmerman is in the house.

Happening now at HHS;
Staff coffee order. Thank you Marsai's. We live for Friday coffee!

Happening now at HHS:
The student council is in early this morning getting things planned for next week.
#OohRah Student Council

There was a fire drill at HHS on Thursday.

FCCLA officers are at Lake Metigoshi today. Mrs. Walsh says, "We are learning about communication, cooperations, and concentration!"

Happening now at HHS: Mrs. Dockter's eighth grade class is reading West Side Story.

Happening now at HHS:
Students enjoying Friday morning in the student lounge.
#OohRah Students

Happening now at HHS:
Mr. Hase's pre-algebra class has a guest lecturer going over variable equations.
Mrs. Ketterling's physical science class is making lab fudge.

Happening now at HHS:
I feel like Mrs. Walsh's classes will be my favorite to visit.
Thank you freshmen! A rice crispy bar and orange Julius were just what the principal needed.